Sunday, October 02, 2022

World War III Anyone? Nord Stream Pipeline Sabotage Is One Giant Leap Toward Armageddon, Darren J. Beattie & Beattie gives Bannon straight dope in heated debate re: Nordstream and Russia…, Rebekah Koffler


BIDEN admits US behind sabotage of Nordstream 1 and 2.

Biden: "If Russia invades…then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2."

Reporter: "But how will you do that, it's in germany's control?"

Biden: "I promise you, we will be able to do that."

But the more important message, in fact a critical one, is this: the Globalist American Empire is playing for all the marbles against Russia, and is ready to do whatever is necessary to elongate and escalate the war. And that puts the entire world at tremendous risk. 

The best outcome to the Ukraine crisis has always been a negotiated one which acknowledges Russia’s on-the-ground gains and assuages its security concerns in return for bringing Ukraine long-term peace and political independence. That was the best outcome before the war, and it remains the best one even now. But every day the war drags on makes that negotiated end harder to achieve, while indulging warmongers and war profiteers who treat Ukraine itself like a video game arena.


Beattie gives Bannon straight dope in heateddebate re: Nordstream and Russia…


Published October 1, 2022 7:00am EDT
Five reasons why Russia is likely behind the Nord Stream industrial sabotage
Russian military planners have long studied ways to target civilian infrastructure
By Rebekah Koffler | Fox News

First, Putin has the motivation.

Second, damaging or destroying critical infrastructure is consistent with Russia’s warfighting concept called Strategic Operation to Defeat Critical Infrastructure of the Adversary (SOPKVOP, in Russian).

Third, Russian military strategists have pondered a scenario in which Russia would target their adversaries' civilian infrastructure during a conflict.

Fourth, Russia is one of very few countries that has the exact capability needed to sever the Nord Stream pipelines carrying Russian gas to Europe and to do it covertly.

Fifth, Putin has no use for Nord Stream in the short term, as neither pipeline 1 or 2 are revenue producing.

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