Sunday, September 23, 2018

On City Attorney Glen Mozingo & California Public Records Act

“The bigger issue is not Glen Mozingo and his resume,” Mozingo says, it’s whether the city can engage in personnel and other discussions where council members need to discuss confidential issues, like real estate negotiations and contracts, which are excluded from happening in public session under the Brown Act, the state’s open meetings law.

Mozingo believes O’Farrell misinterpreted the act.

“The Council is really behind a rock and a hard spot. It either violates the Brown Act or it elects to comply with this order that elicits a violation of the Brown Act,” Mozingo says.

SOURCE: Carmel city attorney lays out possible appeal to judge's public records ruling. Pam Marino  Sep 20, 2018

“The issue here isn’t Glen Mozingo’s resume,” Mozingo said. “All five council members voted in closed session in support of my resume and qualifications, so that issue is over. Disclosure of the documents would only show Royal Calkins has been making misrepresentations. The bigger issue is how this affects every city in the state. The question is if the city is protected in closed session, including with respect to performance evaluations and litigation.”

SOURCE: Judge rules Carmel must turn over city attorney resume documents
By Jim Johnson, Monterey Herald
 POSTED: 09/17/18, 3:08 PM PDT

-it is never the law itself that is in the wrong; it is always some wicked interpreter of the law that has corrupted and abused it.

(I WORKS 231) 1776

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